Philippians 4:6-7

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Brokenness is one of the scariest things you could ever pray for. Asking God to break you is like asking God to pick you up and throw you at 100 miles an hour straight into a brick wall. When God first starts working in you, you’re flying through the air at 100 miles an hour. Life’s great! Then, all the sudden you’re laying on the ground begging God to save you because you cannot even pick your body up off the ground. It is when I am laying next to that brick wall that I learn the most about who I am and what an incredible God I serve.

God tends to have to teach me the same things over and over again because my sinful mind does not like to remember the great things He has done for me. Just recently, God reminded me, yet again, that I am a daughter of His Kingdom and that I am only complete in Him.

I have recently gone through a remarkable change in my life. A turn of events has caused me to lose everything I thought I had. Because of my “loss,” I have found the one thing I truly needed. I am so richly blessed beyond measure. I am a daughter of the King. I have a father, whose love is unconditional. I have a God who sacrificed His only son to save a sinner like me. I constantly fail Him, yet He forgives me and loves me over and over again. When I was a kid, I used to pray that God would make me perfect like Jesus, just for one day. I wanted to please God so badly that I would beg to be like His Son. Now, I realize that I am His daughter. God has adopted me as His child and I am now a part of His family! I can please Him everyday by living for Him and doing what He commands me.

I cannot help but smile when I think about how much God loves me. I was talking to a friend last night and I felt so silly because I could not stop smiling when talking about how much God loves His children. God has planned out my whole life and He is walking right next to me, holding my hand, through it all. Every single trial and blessing I experience I will experience with God right at my side and with His Spirit in me.

Brokenness is scary, painful, and perfect! It has taught me to look only to Christ. He is the only one who can fill the emptiness I feel in my heart. All I need to do is ask and He will give me the strength I need to live for Him and serve His Kingdom. I am His blessed daughter and it is only in Christ that I will find my true identity.

“I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service.” I Timothy 1:12

As Christ’s saved one, I am His child, an heir to His Kingdom, and here on Earth to serve Him, seek His will, and love His people.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Julie's Thoughts...

Davy McVicker is way too self-concious. He needs to be happy with the body God gave him and stop worrying about getting a six pack so he can be my best friend. Besides, he should know he'll need an eight pack to get that kind of status. :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Have No Idea What to Call This...



Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I Got Pulled Over on Memorial Day Weekend!

So yesterday I was super super bored at church. I'm supposed to do the children's program on Sunday nights, but there were only three kids there. So, I called my boyfriend who was at home doing nothing.

I said, "Rescue me and take me in your arms. Rescue me, I need your tender touch. 'Cause I'm lonely, and I'm blue, I need you and your love too, come on and rescue me."

(I really did say that...but it was more because of the song than anything else.)

So my young, strapping, night in shining armor came to save me from the pit of my despair. Anyway, we got in his car and started driving around. I had a Mountain Dew and he had a Fitz Root beer.

We were driving down Clayton Road when he turned to me and said, "Julie, where did you get pulled over the other day?"

I said, "Turn right here."

As he proceeded to turn right, a police officer, stopped at the stop sign, gazed at us.

Tim said, "Is that the guy who pulled you over?"

We both looked at him and I told him it was not the guy. As we continued to drive down Mason Ridge, we saw the police officer make a U-Turn, flip on his lights, and follow us down the road. I looked at Tim and immediately began to laugh. He pulled over and I pointed out the resemblance of a Fitz's Root beer and a Budweiser.


They look extremely similar.

The police officer angrily walked up to our car and said, "What are you guys drinking?"

I smiled at him and Tim showed him that the supposed beer was actually just an innocent Christian kid Fitz's Root beer. We then proceeded to have a very funny conversation with the man about all the drunk drivers on the road on Memorial Day Weekend. He kindly advised us to stay home and stay alive! We thanked him for the fantastic advise and drove away!

I can now say that I have been pulled over four times in my life: once with my Father, once on my own, and twice with Tim!

More to come...if I remember!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Day 1

Today I created a blog so that I could be one step closer to becoming Sarah Marie Long's best friend. One day I hope to steal her away from the evil Kelly Leeanne Feltes. Sarah just told be how to spell her middle name...but since they're not really best friends, she doesn't even know how to spell it. She said, "I think." How can you not know how to spell your best friends middle name? That's just pretty much ridiculous. Anyway, Sarah told me this blog is supposed to be for me, so I'm going to talk about myself a little:

Since this is my very first blog post ever I'm going to give a few random but extremely interesting facts about my crazy crazy life:

1. I am one of 10 kids! I'm number 5 and I absolutely love my huge crazy family. I blame almost all of my faults on them, because there are so many of them. It's very easy to do, trust me.

2. I was born on my kitchen floor. My mom doesn't like hospitals, so she waited to go to the hospital till she felt like I was ready to pop out...problem is, I did pop out...too soon! If I'm not blaming my problems on my family, I'm blaming them on that.

3. I work 2 jobs and I'm super busy working all the time. In fact, I'm leaving one job right now to go to my next job. I teach little kiddies how to swim at night and I bother Sarah Marie Long and get paid in the mornings.

Anyway, I have to go...everyone that's reading no one...have a great day! I love you all, but mostly just Sarah Marie Long!